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ARC number: 12

(Technical Id number: 13)

Author(s): Lisdorf, Anders
Title: The Effect of Prestige and Expertise on Perceptions of Credibility of Communication - A Short Survey of Relevant Research
Category: note, discussion paper
Length (pages): 6
Keywords: prestige; credibility; belief; expertise
Abstract: The note is a smal survey of relevant literature, which concludes that the prestige of a communicator is the most important predictor of creibility of second hand information. This is folowed by expertise as the second most important.
Remarks: The note is part of a chapter from my ph.d. dissertation
Email: andersl @
Downloadable files: ARC-12-The Effect of Prestige and Expertise on Perceptions of Credibility of Communication A Short Survey of Relevant Research.pdf
Submitted:16/02/2007 15:03:57    (DD / MM / YYYY)
Published:16/02/2007 16:55:46    (DD / MM / YYYY)

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