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ARC number: 14

(Technical Id number: 15)

Author(s): Czachesz, István
Title: The Emergence of Early Christian Religion: Toward a Naturalistic Approach
Category: pre-print
Length (pages): 22
Keywords: Christianity; dynamic systems; flocking; emergence; networks; embodied cognition; recursiveness
Abstract: This article assesses some algorithmic models of social behavior for understanding religiosity and look for ways of applying such models to the emergence of early Christian religion. In dynamical systems, the behavior of the whole is more than a sum of the behavior of the parts. In other words, the system displays emergent qualities. In this article I propose ways to look at religion—and specifically early Christianity—from this perspective. In particular, I put forward the hypothesis that religious ideas emerge as a necessary consequence of the sophisticated "flocking" rules of human societies.
Email: I.Czachesz @
Downloadable files: ARC-14-czachesz_naturalistic.pdf
Submitted:22/02/2007 16:09:14    (DD / MM / YYYY)
Published:22/02/2007 17:17:49    (DD / MM / YYYY)

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